Department of internal medicine and pneumology
Here you will find information about the Clinic for Internal Medicine/Pneumology at the Martha-Maria Hospital in Munich.
If you live with a serious respiratory disease, our experts in pulmonary and bronchial medicine are here to help you. It is our goal to provide patients with the highest medical level of care and at the same time to be caring and attentive. First we dedicate ourselves to diagnostics, then to therapy. We offer the whole spectrum of conservative and surgical procedures.
Whether your illness is chronic inflammatory or infectious, benign or malignant, we have expertise in the treatment of a wide range of diseases. Often we cooperate closely with the departments of thoracic surgery and ear, nose and throat medicine, which are also established in our hospital. We also work closely with the referring physicians.
Using the most modern diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, we are able to treat many patients successfully.
- Dr. med.
Andreas Fertl
- Facharzt für Allergologie
- Facharzt für medikamentöse Tumortherapie
- Facharzt für Innere Medizin und Pneumologie
- Chefarzt
- Klinik für Innere Medizin / Pneumologie
Chief physician Andreas Fertl presents the range of services of his clinic for internal medicine/pneumology in a short video. Get an insight into the clinic's daily routine and a part of our range of services.
Pulmonary function tests
- Full-body body phlethysmography
- Diffusion measurement
- specific and non-specific provocation
- Stress Examination Ergometry
- Spiroergometry
- 6-minute walk test
Endoscopic procedures
- flexible and rigid bronchoscopy
- Laser treatment using innovative thulim technology
- Cryotherapy
- Stent Implantation
- endoscopic volume reduction (e.g. with coil implantation)
- for emphysema
Internal Thoracoscopy
- incl. performance of pleurodesis
Drug therapy of tumors
- adjuvant, neo-adjuvant and palliative chemotherapy for malignant diseases of the respiratory tract (e.g. bronchial carcinoma, mesothelioma)
Allergological diagnostics and therapy
- e.g. prick/intercutaneous tests, ASS desensitization
- nocturnal ventilation therapy (nCPAP, CPAP, etc.)
Ultrasound-guided puncture
Thoracic Drains
- e.g. PleurX catheter system for home drainage therapy
Physiotherapeutic care/accompaniment
- during the inpatient stay
Veröffentlichungen von Dr. med. Andreas Fertl - endoskopische Lungenvolumenreduktion
Vortragsreihe für jedermann " Ihrer Gesundheit zu LIEBE"
MVZ-Martha-Maria München Telefon: 089-309051670
Sendlinger-Tor-Platz 7 Telefax: 089-3090516767
80336 München
Ärztliche Leitung: Herr Dr. med. Hans Huttner
Radiologie München-Solln Telefon: 089-790868-0
Wolfratshauser Str. 107 a Telefax: 089-790868-19
81479 München
Gastroenterologe (Belegärzte im Krankenhaus)
Praxis Dr. med. Nouriani/ Dr. med. Hege Telefon: 089-7441970
Wolfratshauser Str. 216
81479 München
Sopie C. Lehner Telefon: 089-75905880
Wolfratshauser Str. 99 Telefax: 089-75905881
81479 München
Seit Juni 2015 besteht die Möglichkeit der bronchialen Thermoplastieals Behandlungsoption beim therapierefraktären (schwergradigen) Asthma bronchiale.
Zudem seit November 2015 Möglichkeit der Rechtsherzkatheteruntersuchung als diagnostische Maßnahme bei Verdacht auf pulmonal-arterielle Hypertonie.
Ab Anfang 2018 besteht die Möglichkeit der weiterführenden VCD-Diagnostik ("vocal-cord-dysfuncion") aufgrund einer mobilen modernen Videolaryngoskop-Anlage
- Stationäre Basisweiterbildung im Gebiet Innere Medizin
(18 Monate) - Weiterbildung zum Facharzt für Innere Medizin und Pneumologie
(36 Monate = voll) - Weiterbildung in der Zusatzweiterbildung Röntgendiagnostik Thorax
(12 Monate = voll)
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Krankenhaus Martha Maria München
Abteilung Innere Medizin / Pneumologie
Chefarzt Dr. med. Andreas Fertl
Wolfratshauserstraße 109
81479 München